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Spreading the Krishna conscious message all over Russia

Shyamasundara: Prabhupada convinced him about the philosophy of Krishna consciousness and taught him about its culture in only three days. He taught Anatoly about offering food, how to cook it, how to eat it, everything. In great detail Prabhupada taught him about varnasrama dharma, vedic social relationships, and more.
Anatoly would stay late into the night, and return early the next morning. After learning so much, he immediately turned to practical matters. "How can I relate what you are teaching me to the Russia of today?" he asked Srila Prabhupada. "How can I help you?"
And Prabhupada taught him how to do so in detail. You could just see Prabhupada transferring the potency, the power from his eyes, from his hands into this boy. I've never before or after seen such a display of Prabhupada's power entering into another person.
Renamed Ananta-shanti Dasa, the young man took Prabhupada's message to heart, and began to enthusiastically spread the Krishna conscious message he had learned all over Russia.

Reference: Speech by HG Shyamasundara Prabhu at the Fortieth Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s Moscow visit