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Srila Prabhupada chastises Vamanadev Dasa

Pradyumna: Once in 1968, Prabhupada finished a program at the Montreal temple and was walking back to his apartment a couple of blocks away, along with Gaurasundar, Vamanadeva and me. We were on Park Avenue when Vamanadeva said to Prabhupada, "That was a great kirtan. I enjoyed it so much." Prabhupada immediately turned to him and said, "Kirtan is not for you to enjoy. It is for Krishna's pleasure. If you enjoy it, then that is not kirtan."

So, we chant for the pleasure of Krishna, we don't chant for our own pleasure. If we chant for our own pleasure, we're actually not doing Krishna kirtan, we're doing what some call "maya kirtan." Krishna kirtan is praising Krishna for His pleasure.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 2 by Siddhanta Dasa