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Somehow communicate Krishna Consciousness

Hari Sauri dasa: A professor told Srila Prabhupada that he regarded himself more as a jnani than a bhakta, although he was attracted to bhakti. Prabhupada replied, saying that an impersonalist philosopher is not actually a jnani but a learner. Only when one realizes Krishna, as described in the twenty-ninth verse of the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, does one become a jnani. The real meaning of knowledge is the ability not for grammatical or sophisticated expression, but to actually know the truth. To illustrate this, Prabhupada said that once in India, a monkey had come into a man's office and had thrown the papers everywhere and then left. When the English supervisor asked the clerk what had happened, the clerk could not speak sufficient English to explain how the monkey had caused chaos. He began to imitate the monkey, jumping and leaping around, making monkey noises and throwing the papers in the air. In this way, the supervisor quickly understood what had happened. So, Prabhupada said, somehow or other we have to communicate Krishna consciousness, and the important message will be understood.

Reference: Srila Prabhupada Nectar by Hari Sauri Dasa