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Isn't there any positive?

Dayasara das: I remember I was very nervous, of course, going before Prabhupada to receive initiation. Is that me there? I think so. I've put on about 40 kilos since then. I was worried that I would forget the four rules and regulations so I said, "No illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication, no meat eating," to try and make sure I didn't forget. Then Prabhupada said, "So many negatives?" because I was stressing the word "no" as though it was abhorrent to give these things up. And Prabhupada said, "Isn't there any positive?" Then I said, "Ah, yes, and chanting Hare Krishna 16 rounds."

Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Dayasara Dasa