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Where's your neck beads!!!??

Bhagavat : Srila Prabhupada was looking at all of us sitting before him. He picked up a set of beads and said, "Whose beads?" I recognized them and said, 'They're mine Srila Prabhupada'. He turned and said, "What is his name?" (They had the list of names in a book.) Aravinda said, 'His name is Bhagavat das.' Prabhupada looked at me and laughed. He said, "Oh, Bhagavat das." It was almost as if he knew me or was waiting for me to come. He said, "There are two things. There is the book Bhagavat, meaning scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, and there is the person Bhagavat, meaning those persons who follow the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. You are Bhagavat das, and you shall serve them both." He had my beads in His hand, and he said, "What are the four rules?" I said the four rules. He said, "How many rounds a day must you chant?" At the time, as an austerity, I had been chanting twenty rounds a day. I said, 'We are supposed to chant sixteen rounds a day, but I am chanting twenty.' Prabhupada looked at me and frowned, as if to say, "Don't be so egotistical." Then he gave me my beads, and I started chanting in front of Him. Prabhupada picked up the next beads and said, "Whose beads?" Subrata said, 'Mine'. Prabhupada initiated him and was about to give him his beads when he noticed that Subrata didn't have neck beads on. Just as Subrata reached for his beads, Prabhupada took them back. He said, "Where are your neck beads?" Then he looked at me and saw that I didn't have neck beads on either. Prabhupada said, "He has no beads either." He turned to Hridayananda, Aravinda, and Sridam and said, "You are the senior disciples. You know that they can't get initiated without neck beads. Why don't they have neck beads?" Everyone said, 'We're sorry, we're sorry. We were busy with the lecture and TV show. We'll make sure that they have neck beads before the fire yajna tomorrow." Prabhupada said, "All right, all right. But before the fire yajna they must have neck beads'.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 1 by Siddhanta Dasa