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Animal Consciousness

Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami: Srila Prabhupada was on a morning walk in Tehran when he heard a lamb crying. "Why the lamb is crying? They do not give the lamb something to eat?" Prabhupada asked. A devotee then made a guess. "No, I always hear this sound somewhere. They keep the lambs for killing." Prabhupada then explained that such killing meant that the people were living like animals, and he told a story. A lamb was once drinking water from the side of a lake. Across the water was a tiger. The tiger challenged the lamb: "Why are you muddying the lake?" The lamb replied that he was not muddying the lake, but the tiger quarreled with the lamb and then killed it. Prabhupada then said that people in animal consciousness look for faults in others and create quarrels in order to kill. Then he quoted an English proverb: "Give the dog a bad name and hang it." In this way Prabhupada criticized material consciousness.

Reference: Srila Prabhupada Nectar by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami