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Transcendental Magic

Sura : In New Vrindavan in the summer of 1976, we were in a darshan with Srila Prabhupada when he was answering questions from Bhavan's Journal. Prabhupada was sitting outdoors at one householder's place, and his talks later became the book Civilization and Transcendence. During this time Srila Prabhupada had told the devotees to study his books very carefully and to know his books like a lawyer knows the law books.
At one point in the darshan, Srila Prabhupada said, "Go find that verse." It was a verse from the Seventh Canto, which had just come out. The devotees didn't know many of those verses. The sannyasis, Drishtadyumna Maharaj and Kirtanananda Swami, were feverishly going through the books, because they knew that Srila Prabhupada became a little disturbed when the devotees couldn't find the verses properly. Unfortunately, even after three or four minutes they couldn't find that verse.
Srila Prabhupada said, "Give me the book." He opened the book, nonchalantly found the verse on the page that he opened the book at, and handed it to his servant to read. His servant read the exact verse that Srila Prabhupada had quoted. We were amazed. The place was not marked. Prabhupada simply took the book, opened it, and it was right there. It was Srila Prabhupada's transcendental magic. In unison everyone said, "Jaya, Prabhupada!" Prabhupada smiled, put his head back, and said, "Accha."

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 2 by Siddhanta Dasa