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We are rascals, so we do not know all these things,

There were no special visitors during the day, but Srila Prabhupada held a general darsana in the late afternoon, which was well attended. At 6:30 he was met at the house by tonight's chief guest, Shri Hansraj Sharma, the Finance Minister of Punjab. He was accompanied by Mr. SP Vohra, the town planner for Haryana. They talked for a few minutes, and Srila Prabhupada presented him with a copy of one of the volumes of the Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila. Then they drove together to the pandala. Again there was a big crowd, even larger than the first night, perhaps due to the news articles this morning and also the arrangements of Caitya-guru prabhu. He and the devotees have been going out during the night, sticking up large, beautiful posters all around the city advertising the pandala. He has also arranged for large banners to hang across the main roads, welcoming Srila Prabhupada and giving the dates and times for the programs. Devotees have also been going out during the day, performing nagara-sankirtana for the first time in the streets of Chandigarh, much to the delight and interest of the residents, most of whom have never seen Western boys in the traditional garb of Vaishnavas. When people inquire about Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON, the devotees direct them to the pandala. As Srila Prabhupada and his guests mounted the stage, the devotees, led by Hansaduta Swami, intensified their chanting, dancing and singing with great energy and enthusiasm. Prabhupada offered his obeisances to the Deities and then took his place on the vyasasana. After the devotees completed their kirtana, Mr. Sharma gave a short message of appreciation for Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON mission, but due to a prior commitment he took his leave early, promising to come again before the completion of the pandala programs. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good night for me. I made a stupid blunder. After His Divine Grace had taken his seat and was about to start his lecture, I reached into my cloth shoulderbag, handed him his karatalas and placed the Bhagavad-gita on its stand. At the end of his chanting of Jaya Radha-Madhava, he sat facing his expectant audience, waiting for me to hand him his reading glasses so that he could begin his lecture. But when I reached into the bag for them, the glasses were not there. In great apprehension, I had to lean forward and inform Prabhupada that I had forgotten them. With no trace of emotion, still facing the audience, his expression unchanging and giving me not so much as a glance, Prabhupada said quite simply, "Then why have you come?" Knowing full well that it was a totally futile effort but not wanting to be guilty of not making at least some attempt to rectify my mistake, I ran off the stage, jumped into the car, and raced back to the house to retrieve the glasses. Of course, when I returned Prabhupada was already well into his lecture and it was too late. Typically, he didn't mention the incident afterwards. Prabhupada spoke in Hindi again for about fifty minutes, centering his talk on the contrast between the two kinds of natures - the divine and the demonic - and the responsibility we have as human beings to choose between them.

Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 5 by Hari Sauri Dasa