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Why are you wearing Prabhupada's chaddar?

Hari Sauri Dasa: Yesterday Prabhupada gave Hansaduta permission to buy a bus and start a traveling sankirtana party in India. He suggested that they carry Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai in a box. Then wherever they stop, they should take Their Lordships out, sit under a tree, and hold kirtana. Prabhupada assured him that many people would come. Afterwards prasadam could be distributed and a discourse held. "Do it immediately!" Prabhupada told him enthusiastically. He went on to explain that he had planned to do this, "But somehow I came to the West; it was Krishna's arrangement. Now the Americans are doing." Hansaduta thus busied himself today investigating prices both here and in Europe for a suitable vehicle. It was a little chilly this morning, and while getting ready for the morning walk Prabhupada noticed that I was shivering. I was wearing only a kurta. He called me into his room and gave me a lightly embroidered chaddar. It had been given to him in Delhi, and he had worn it a few times. I was surprised. It was indeed a special honor. His Divine Grace's thoughtfulness and concern are completely endearing. Harikesa was also surprised, or perhaps shocked would be more apt, when he saw it draped around my shoulders. He asked me, "Why are you wearing Prabhupada's chaddar?" "I didn't have anything warm to wear so Prabhupada gave it to me," I explained. In an admonishing tone he said, "There's a standing rule that the servants should never ask the spiritual master for anything." But when I told him that Prabhupada had just given it to me without my saying anything, he immediately softened, appreciating Srila Prabhupada's kindness. I value his good advice nonetheless. Harikesa prabhu is excellent association for me because of his complete dedication to pleasing Srila Prabhupada.

Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 1 by Hari Sauri Dasa