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Krishna's love is unconditional, that no matter what you do, still I love you.

Anada dasi : There was an incident with Siddhaswarupa in Mayapur, and the devotees were reporting to Prabhupada about something that had happened. So Srila Prabhupada said words to the effect that "I consider that if he has come from so far away to see me, there must be some love there." And he said, "Krishna's love is unconditional, that no matter what you do, still I love you." He said, "His love is like the father's love for the son. No matter what the son does, the father always loves him." So Prabhupada was always accepting and always willing to forgive. That was a unique quality about Srila Prabhupada, that he had no animosity or enmity towards anyone at all.

Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Anada Dasi