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He was going to do this

In Montreal when we had a lot of time and he would talk, he used to talk to me about his different plans. We had no money. We lived in a little flat. We had rats too. There was nothing and yet he was telling me how he was going to have a world sankirtan party, and he also told me how he wanted to have a big auditorium where people could come and watch bhajans and hear bhajans and see plays and Krishna conscious things rather than going to the cinemas. He felt the cinemas were drawing people into another world. He had plans of doing this.

And when I go to Bombay and I see that great big auditorium, I say, "He said he was going to do this." It's just like if I'm a pauper and I tell you I'm going to build Disneyland, and that's what it was like. But I never disbelieved anything he said, I just listened. I was just always listening to him, and he liked to talk about what he was going to do. And he talked about many things.

Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Govinda dasi