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Using Bullock Carts for Sankirtan Party instead of Vehicles.

Lokanath Swami : Prabhupada gave instructions about bullock carts in September of 1976, around Radhastami, when our Nitai-Gaura traveling sankirtan party had come to Delhi. At that time we had lost our big buses from Germany. These buses could only stay for so many months in India, and Hamsadutta also had to return to Germany for some business. So I was left in charge of the traveling party. When Prabhupada realized that we had no mode of transportation he called me to his quarters and said, "What about bullock carts? These big machines and vehicles always break down and require so much maintenance." Maybe he knew that I had a simple village background and so came up with this new assignment of traveling from village to village in bullock carts.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 1 by Siddhanta Dasa