Srutakirti das : It happened on three different occasions. I went in and Prabhupada was reading Krishna Book and he said, "If you just read this one book, you can be Krishna conscious." He said, "You don't have to read hundreds of books. Just this one book." He had his glasses on, and I was sitting in front of him. Then he just looked at me and he said, "You don't even have to read the whole book, just one chapter. If you just read one chapter of this book, you can be Krishna conscious," and I'm nodding my head, "Yes, Prabhupada." But he just kept staring. And then he said, "You don't even have to read the whole chapter, just one page," and he just ran his finger down the page. Then he's looking and he said, "You don't even have to read the whole page, just one line," and he ran his finger across the line of the Krishna Book. And I said, "Yes, Prabhupada." And he's still looking and he said, "You don't even have to read a whole line, just one word," and he pointed to a word in the book. He said, "Just one word of this book if you read you can become Krishna conscious because Krishna is in every word." And then he put his head back down into the book, and I offered obeisances and I left. But he said that about three different books to me over a year. "If you just read this one book." Once it was Nectar of Devotion, once it was Bhagavad-gita, once it was Krishna Book. But he said, "Any one of these, if you just read this one book, you can be Krishna conscious." He can understand Krishna is in every word, and this is what Prabhupada gave us. Nobody else has given us this, this direct connection to Krishna through His pure devotee.