Rama Dasa: When we arrived in New Mayapur there was always his saliva spit in the cup. Then I had two cup-like this when I clean the cup. There was a sannyasi was there, maybe Satsvarupa or some sannyasi was there at the moment. Then I said to him I said, "Maharaja what should I do? Prabhupada he spits in this cup." I said to him, "Do you think I should take the prasad?" Then he said to me he said, "Well it's up to your consciousness." So, I was a young man maybe 24-25 years old, and I said, "I don't know." Then I forgot I didn't take the prasad from Prabhupada’s mouth. But I tell you one thing I tell you Prabhu that if this happened today this Prabhupada spit I would have it with delight, it was great delight like a treasure. I will respect it but that time I didn't do.