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Why Gargamuni became the treasurer

Gargamuni Dasa: Why did he make me the treasurer? Because I was good at business and I used - when I was a little boy - I used to play with my father's mail. I made my own little post office made of cardboard, and play with the business papers when I was a little boy. I was always interested in business.

When I was ten years old, I had my own business at school. I would sell cherry bombs; you know what cherry bombs are? They're fireworks, firecrackers that make big noises. I got in trouble with the police when I was ten years old, because people were buying these cherry bombs, and putting in the mailboxes, and blowing up the mailboxes. So the police came to my house. I was only ten years old, so they didn't do anything. But the point is, I was involved in business at a very young age, you see. And Prabhupada could see that.

Reference: SPF Interviews