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It had actually done some good

After rising quite late at 7:30 a.m. Srila Prabhupada called me and told me to make him some bada, asking if I still had the dried nim leaf powder that he had me make before we left Bombay in April. He hadn't requested it until now and I was glad I still had it in my suitcase. He told me to mix three parts dal paste to one part nim for his breakfast. The mix was dark green, making him think there was too much nim. He ate some, but complained it was too bitter. Later on though he called me again. He smiled and said it had actually done some good. He requested a repeat of the same formula for tomorrow morning, except that instead deep-fried balls he wants small patties lightly fried on each side in a shallow pan.

Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 3 by Hari Sauri Dasa