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You guys are nuts!

Visakha Devi Dasi: Let's see how Prabhupada's actions stand up over time—the great revealer—I thought. More than likely he's another silky swami who extorts money and has affairs with young followers.

On December 27, 1970, John wrote from Gujarat,

About 20 devotees and Prabhupada and I are staying in the home of a wealthy man in Surat. We are given great care. The people show great respect for the devotees and stand a bit in awe of them. Sankirtana is really amazing. The devotees walked up and down the street today and hundreds of people followed them chanting, giving them wreaths of flowers, and touching them. The difference between here and America is unbelievable.

Reading this I laughed. When the devotees went on sankirtana around New York City, people would ridicule and scorn them, often yelling, "Hey, get a job!" or "You guys are nuts!"

John went on,

I met Prabhupada the morning after I arrived. He was nice to me and asked me what I was doing and if I studied their philosophy. I showed him a copy of Asia Magazine, and he liked the pictures—all the Indians in town have seen it by now.

Reference: Five Years, Eleven Months and a Lifetime of Unexpected Love by Visakha Dasi