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That, I was told, was Prabhupada, the founder

Visakha Devi Dasi: Before my arrival in Bombay, John, with extra time on his hands, had been rolling puris in the asrama kitchen, and that morning he continued. I stood to the side near a large window, watching him and a tall, formidable, middle-aged Indian man in impeccable saffron robes, who was deep-frying the puris in a large wok. As they cooked, each puri puffed up into a ball, and the saffron-clothed gentleman scooped it up with a slotted spoon and set it aside to cool, After a short time the kitchen door swung open and a short Indian gentleman strode in, also saffron-robed. He had an unpretentious dignity and a grave yet curiously sprightly countenance. Within a moment, he seemed to take in everything in the kitchen, including John and me, with a simple, charged alertness. He walked over to the Indian cook, briefly discussed something, and left. That, I was told, was Prabhupada, the founder of the Hare Krishna movement.

Reference: Five Years, Eleven Months and a Lifetime of Unexpected Love by Visakha Dasi