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At least 30-40 garlands were draped around Srila Prabhupada's neck

Acyutananda, Yasodanandana, Gurukripa, and Mahamsa Maharajas; Sravanananda and Bhavabhuti prabhus, the co-temple presidents of ISKCON Madras; members of the Nama Hatta sankirtana party; and a small but very enthusiastic group of life members all greeted us at the Madras airport. They held a rousing kirtana in the small airport building, bringing everything to a standstill. The life members were swept up by the enthusiasm of the devotees, and at least 30-40 garlands were draped around Srila Prabhupada's neck. 

Srila Prabhupada was beaming with pleasure at the reception, and after a few minutes we were led out to a waiting Mercedes sedan, loaned for the week by a well-wisher, and driven to a life member's home. We are staying at the house of Mr. Manical Bhai, an extremely pleasant and respectful Madwari businessman. A member of the Vallabha-sampradaya, he is a strict vegetarian. It is a large, quiet house, and Prabhupada has been given a section of the top floor with a porch. The steep climb was a bit daunting for Prabhupada, as he is still very weak from uremia. Thus we carried him up in a chair. For us, of course, it was a welcome burden, a pleasure to relieve Srila Prabhupada of any strain, but it was definitely not a good sign.

Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 1 by Hari Sauri Dasa