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Srila Prabhupada laughed and said she had invented a new style of Deity. He liked the pose and told her to go ahead and make it.

Govinda dasi came to see Srila Prabhupada after his afternoon nap. She has been taking his request to work on the new Deities for Fiji seriously and she showed him clay models of Gaura-Nitai for approval. Her idea is to make an original mold and then to cast copies of the Deity in a light but durable, resinous material which looks like marble. Using this method, many Deities can be made quickly and sent out to any temple on request. Prabhupada thought it was a good idea. He liked the models and encouraged her to go ahead. They discussed the Deity of Kaliya-Krishna. Prabhupada told her that Krishna should be dancing on the head of Kaliya, and Govinda dasi adopted several poses to get the correct hand and leg positions. When she stood on one leg, raising her left foot off the ground, and holding her right hand out with the thumb and forefinger joined and the other fingers extended, Srila Prabhupada laughed and said she had invented a new style of Deity. He liked the pose and told her to go ahead and make it. She also made a special request. Prabhupada has asked the devotees to build a new temple on the open land next to the present building and they are planning to install new Panca-tattva deities. Govinda dasi made the present ones from papier-m?che which is beginning to deteriorate and they need to be replaced. Govinda dasi asked if they could be given to her to worship because she was especially attached to them. Prabhupada agreed straight away and even gave her a letter confirming it, addressed to the local GBC and temple president.

Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 2 by Hari Sauri Dasa