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Radharani has come to France as the most beautiful French girl

Jyotirmayi dasi: When we received the Deities from India, we noticed that it needed a little bit of retouching of the painting. When I was painting Radharani, I noticed that She had a little brown spot on the white marble. So I wanted to cover that little spot. So I painted over the little brown spot on Her cheek, and you see here that Prabhupada is rubbing Radharani's cheek. The reason is what happened is that when he saw Her, She was completely white; and then when Bhagavan poured on Her the different oils, the oil made the paint go away. So suddenly he saw the little brown spot appearing, and that's why he is rubbing Radharani's cheek in order to see what's going on. So, of course, later on after the Deities were installed, I went back to repainting that little part on Her cheek and it became white again. Then Prabhupada mentioned two things about Radharani. One was that when we dressed Them, We didn't have yet very very wonderful, nice clothes. We had some very simple clothes that we got from India, and the skirts were falling very flat around Krishna's body and Radharani's body. So Prabhupada told us that the skirts had to be very wide, looking very pretty and very wide. So he said, "You should put some sticks underneath to have the skirts open very wide around Them." And then he said another thing, which was very surprising to us. He said that "Radharani has come to France as the most beautiful French girl because in the whole world, the girls with the most beautiful faces are the French girls."

Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Jyotirmayi Dasi