Srila Prabhupada : So our process of knowledge you should take from the supreme authority. Then we save time for research work. That is Krishna consciousness movement. We take perfect knowledge from Krishna. I may be imperfect. Just like child is imperfect. So I may be imperfect, you may be imperfect. But if you take the perfect knowledge from the Supreme Perfect, then your knowledge is perfect. That is the process. This is called avaroha-pantha, knowledge coming, deductive knowledge.
So everything is there. And if you like to take advantage of this movement, make your life perfect, go back to home, back to Godhead, then fully utilize this center, our Melbourne center, come here, read our books, and argue, try to understand with your full knowledge, no blindly acceptance. There is reason, there is argument, there is philosophy, there is science, everything is there.
And if you accept that simply by chanting I shall realize, that is also allowed. Both ways. If you accept this simple process, that chant Hare Krishna and realize God, that is also fact. And if you think, "What is this nonsense, chanting Hare Krishna?" Then you read books. Both ways we are prepared. Come and take advantage of this movement. Thank you very much.
Devotee : Srila Prabhupada, where it is stated in the scriptures that Lord Brahma rides on a swan, a hamsa, is this? do we take this to mean that it's a real swan, or is it something symbolic?
Srila Prabhupada : Not symbolic, it is fact. Why do you say symbolic?
Devotee: It's rather unusual.
Srila Prabhupada : Unusual? What experience you have got? You have no experience. Have you got any experience of other planetary system, what is there? Then? Your experience is very teeny. So you should not calculate Brahma's life and other things by your teeny experience. Now, in the Bhagavad-gita it is said that the duration of life of Brahma, sahasra-yuga-paryantam, ahar yad brahmano viduh.
Lord Brahma's life, it is stated in the sastra. We have already explained that we accept the authoritative statement of sastra. Lord Brahma's life is stated there. Ahar means his one day is equal to our four yugas. Four yugas means 43 hundred, 4,300,000 years, and multiplied by 1,000. Sahasra-yuga-paryantam. Sahasra means 1,000 and yuga, yuga means the 4,300,000 years makes a yuga, and multiplied by 1,000. That period is Brahma's one day. Similarly, he has got one night. Similarly, he has got one month. Similarly, he has got one year. And such hundred years he will live. So how you can calculate? How it is within your experience? You think something mysterious, no. Your experience is nothing. Therefore, you have to take experience from the perfect person, Krishna. Then your knowledge is perfect. That I have already said. Don't try to understand with your teeny experience everything. Then you will be failure.
Guest : Can one's efforts to serve Krishna be virtually useless?
Srila Prabhupada : That I have already explained, that you are coming here even though you are not initiated. That is also service. So if you deposit one cent daily, one day it may become a hundred dollars. So when you get the hundred dollars, you can get the business. So you come here daily, one cent, one cent. When it will be a hundred dollars, you will become a devotee. So this is not wasted. It is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, krta-punya-punjah. Krta-punya, krta means done.
Sukadeva Goswami is describing when Krishna was playing with His cowherd boys friends, so He was describing that these cowherd boys who are playing with Krishna, they have not come to this position in one day. Krta-punya-punjah, after life after life having performed pious activities, now they have come to this position that they are allowed to play with the Supreme.
Devotee : Who is a person who says, they are suffering but they actually, but they say that they're happy and they're not afraid to die.
Madhudvisa das : Someone who is not afraid to die and says that he is not suffering, how?
Srila Prabhupada: He is a madman, that's all. Who is caring for madman?
Devotee: It's very easy to convince some people that they're not their bodies, but it's not very easy to convince them that they're not their minds. Is there some way we can explain to them?
Srila Prabhupada: That will take time. How can we expect that in one minute everyone will understand everything? It requires education, time. If he is prepared to give the time, then he will understand. Not that within 5 minutes, 10 minutes he will understand the whole thing. That is not possible. He is a diseased man, he requires treatment, medicine and diet. In this way he will understand. A diseased man, if he doesn't care for medicine, diet, then he will suffer. That's all. Yes?
Devotee: If we've been here lifetime after lifetime performing impious activities, does it mean that we have to be here lifetime after lifetime performing pious activities to balance out our sinful reactions?
Madhudvisa das: We have been here for many lifetimes performing sinful activities. So is it possible to counteract all those sinful activities in one lifetime or does it require many lifetimes?
Srila Prabhupada: One minute. That is Krishna consciousness movement. One minute. You are not reading Bhagavad-gita? What Krishna says? Sarva-dharman parityajya, mam ekam saranam vraja, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo, moksayisyami. "You surrender to Me, give up your all business. I will give you relief from all sinful reaction immediately."
So it requires one minute. "My dear Krishna, I was forgotten, now I understand. I fully surrender unto You." Then you will become immediately free from all sinful reactions.
Without any reservation, without any politics. If you fully surrender, Krishna is assuring, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo, moksayisyami ma sucah. He reassures, "Don't worry whether I will be able to give you relief from all reactions." Ma sucah. "Finished, guaranteed. You do this." So how much time it requires to surrender to Krishna? Immediately you can do that. Mam evaisyasi asamsayam, "Then you come to Me without any doubt." Everything is there. Krishna has given everything fully. If we accept it, then life is very simple. There is no difficulty. Yes?
Devotee : How long do you say it is before Krishna comes to this planet again in physical form, in human form?
Srila Prabhupada: Now calculate. I have already given the duration of one day, 12 hours of Brahma means 4,300,000 years multiplied by 1,000. What it comes?
Madhudvisa das: 4 thousand 300 million.
Srila Prabhupada: No, no.
Devotee: 4 billion 300 million.
Srila Prabhupada: Oh, difference of opinion.
Madhudvisa das: In Australia they calculate different.
Srila Prabhupada: Anyway, what is your Australian calculation? Let me know.
Madhudvisa das: Their billion is something else.
Srila Prabhupada: Oh. Anyway, I give you the right figure. Four million according to American and English calculation. 4,300,000 years and multiplied by 1,000. Then, what it comes according to English calculation?
Devotee: 4 billion 300 million.
Srila Prabhupada: Huh?
Devotee: 4 billion 300 million.
Srila Prabhupada: That is 12 hours, and add again 12 hours night. Then 8 billion?
Devotees: 600 million.
Srila Prabhupada: So Krishna comes after this period. In one day, after one day of Brahma He appears.
Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, does Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu also appear every day of Brahma?
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, following Krishna. Krishna comes in the Dvapara-yuga. After finishing His business in this universe, He goes to another universe. In this way, the rotation takes 9 billion years. He stays in one universe for 125 years. Everything is there calculation in the sastra. Now we can imagine how many universes are there. That is all together material world. That is stated in the-athava bahunaitena, kim jnatena tavarjuna, vistabhya aham idam krtsnam, ekamsena sthito jagat. This material creation is one-fourth creation of the whole God's property.