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Something nice in my heart

Padmanabha Goswami: When I first met Srila Prabhupada, he was sitting on a choki (low seat) in the entrance way to his bedroom, in front of the Radha-Damodara temple. My father sent me to deliver a congratulations message to Prabhupada because he has just come back from the Western countries. I gave the message to Srila Prabhupada, and told him I am the son of Sri Visvambhar Goswami from the Radha-Raman temple. So, after that Prabhupada said, "You please sit down here," and he asked me about my father's health and everything. Then he gave me some prasadam. Actually, I was very much impressed with Prabhupada's personality. I felt something nice in my heart.

Reference: Prabhupada at Radha Damodara by Mahanidhi Dasa