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windows into the spiritual world

Kurma Dasa: Prabhupada looked at the young boys and girls before him."So, you want to be with Krishna? You can play with Krishna like this.” He indicated with his hand the picture of Krishna taking lunch with his cowherd boyfriends."You can play with Krishna, you can go with Krishna, you can be with Krishna.”
Srila Prabhupada had once described such pictures as"windows into the spiritual world”. He spoke on, describing Krishna’s various pastimes as depicted in the paintings. The devotees knew this was a special time to be with Prabhupada. Remembrance of these rare moments would stay with them and strengthen their resolve to become Krishna conscious. It was clear that Prabhupada was seeing more than they. But one thing was certain: while they were seeing paintings, Srila Prabhupada was personally seeing, face-to-face, the beautiful form of Krishna.

Reference: The Great Transcendental Adventure by Kurma Dasa