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Prabhupada as the football captain

Kurma Dasa: Satsvarupa Goswami: Sometimes people would walk so close behind Prabhupada that, when he stopped suddenly, they caught the back of his shoe or his heel with their foot. He would stop and say, "Do not walk so close". But we always walked packed tightly together around Prabhupada, our faces turned towards him, straining to hear every word.
He would stop seemed like he was focusing his whole attention too, becoming more intent on his point. We all leaned forward over other people’s shoulders, all eyes and ears focused on Srila Prabhupada. It was almost like a huddle, with Prabhupada as the football captain giving instructions and encouragement, and everyone feeling a boost to their team morale. He would say what he wanted to say and again start walking with all of us in tow.
Gaura Mandala Bhumi: I was walking right behind Prabhupada, trying to hear what he was saying. Prabhupada would say something, but being out in the open, it was sometimes difficult to catch. As I was walking along, I stepped on the back of Prabhupada’s slipper. Prabhupada turned around to me and said in a matter-of-fact way, 'Don’t come too close". I thought at the time Prabhupada meant that I should not physically come too close. Of course, he meant that. But at the same time, it also struck me on a more philosophical note that Prabhupada was also telling me: "Don’t try to come too close to the spiritual master, or you’ll commit offences."

Reference: The Great Transcendental Adventure by Kurma Dasa