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Srila Prabhupada expressed little emotion with the litany of depressing news that rolled by on the screen

Later in the afternoon, Tushta Krishna Swami arrived from New Zealand. He and his followers continued to practise Krishna consciousness separate from the Auckland temple. Giving Prabhupada a glowing report of the activities of his farm and city preaching in Auckland, he invited Srila Prabhupada to visit them when he came the following week. Prabhupada accepted his invitation. In the evening, the devotees set up a television in Prabhupada?s room for him to watch the broadcast of the morning?s TV interviews. Since Mike, Carol and their crews were both from different television networks, a lot of channel switching was required to catch both interviews. In the meantime, Prabhupada was confronted with a good deal of mundane television. Srila Prabhupada expressed little emotion with the litany of depressing news that rolled by on the screen: ?Financial crisis in the Victorian dairy industry?; ?Pay disputes continue to cripple the Australian Wool industry?; ?Melbourne still in the grips of its driest Autumn for fifty-three years?. Mike Barron?s interview never went to air. Carol?s was very short?only brief excerpts of what Prabhupada had actually said were broadcast. Nevertheless, Prabhupada was happy, since throughout the segment the producers had inserted brief intervals of devotees chanting in kirtana.

Reference: The Great Transcendental Adventure by Kurma Dasa