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Bhargava Dasa leaving

I was photographing Prabhupada in London, Amsterdam, and Paris, but I didn't really have close contact with him. I really wanted some personal attention. Part of me was like a student of philosophy, and part of me was like a little kid. Before I left I went into Prabhupada's room at Bury Place and said, "Prabhupada, I am leaving to go back to America to work on your books." Prabhupada didn't really know me. He just saw me photographing, and we had exchanged a few words. I expected Prabhupada would be a little gentlemanly and distant.

Instead Prabhupada recognized me. He said, "You are leaving, ohhh," as if he was really disappointed. It was like I was part of his family. That shocked me. Then Prabhupada got up, walked across the room and put his garland on me. That shocked me too. Prabhupada had an ability to look through you and see your subtle body, your mind. He could see many aspects of you that you couldn't see or that you could see but wouldn't want anybody else to see. Psychically you stand naked before him. He sees it all, and he still loves you. Beyond that, he sees you as you can't even see yourself. That was the feeling I had, that he was seeing the impurities of my mind but it was okay. He saw me not as my body or mind but on a deeper level, and he loved me. That really touched me.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 2 by Siddhanta Dasa