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Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati behind us as well

Mrgendra: When Prabhupada was writing or speaking, I understood that it was Krishna who was speaking directly through him. Prabhupada was simply the messenger of Krishna and he never looked for personal praise. He only wanted us to follow his instructions as he was trying to please his spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. That was one of the main motivations, one of the things that kept us going. I remember in Atlanta he was saying that his spiritual master would bless us even more than he would. We took that as an extra bonus in that not only have we got Prabhupada, now we’ve got Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati behind us as well.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 4 by Siddhanta Dasa