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They cannot understand because they haven't gotBhaktivedanta

Rupa Vilasa das : There was a discussion. Prabhupada was talking about Vedanta, and he was saying that the Mayavadis couldn't understand Vedanta. Then he began to question us: why couldn't they understand? He was specifically mentioning Ramakrishna and other famous Mayavadis. He said, "Why couldn't he understand?" So then Brahmananda replied, "Naham prakasah sarvasya yoga-maya," that verse from Bhagavad-gita, and Prabhupada wasn't satisfied with that answer. Then someone else gave another answer, but he wasn't satisfied with that either. Then finally Dayananda sat bolt upright and he said, "They cannot understand because they haven't got Bhaktivedanta." So Prabhupada smiled and said, "Here is the answer." And it was such a nice answer on two levels: one, that they didn't have Prabhupada; and on the other level, they didn't have any bhakti. So how could they understand the end of truth? So Prabhupada was really happy with that answer, and I remember I felt like all of us were slightly envious that Dayananda had come up with this fabulous answer.

Reference: Memories-Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint by Siddhanta Dasa