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Transcendental atmosphere...

Hari Sauri: In New Vrindavan, June of 1976, Srila Prabhupada gave his evening darsana inside the house. As he sat relaxing in a reclining chair in the main lounge, a small group of attentive devotees gathered at his feet. A large painted cloth mural of Hanuman hung on the wall to his right, and the dasa-avataras of the Lord in relief on the wardrobe stood to his left, adding to the transcendental atmosphere.

Some new book reviews have come from India and Srila Prabhupada had me read out aloud what must be the best one so far. Signed by Sri R. Subramaniam, the Deputy Director of Research in the Lok Sabha Secretariat of India's National Parliament, it glorified the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Srila Prabhupada personally, in glowing terms.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 3 - Hari Sauri Dasa