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Goal of life...

Hari Sauri: In Tehran, August of 1976, Prabhupada went for his walk as usual at 6:00 a.m. but allowed me to stay back and catch up on my rest. The devotees took him out to nearby Niavaran park, situated next to a palace of the same name, which the Shah of Iran uses for receiving visiting diplomats and heads of state. It is the same place he walked last year when he visited with his servant Srutakirti and secretary Paramahamsa Swami.

Before they left I handed the recorder over to Pradyumna with instructions how to use it so that no valuable comments Prabhupada might make would be lost. Srila Prabhupada didn't disappoint the devotees, who were all eager to hear whatever he had to say. He talked freely, pointing out the foolishness of trying to maintain the body as the goal of life, and the futility of materialistic family life.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary - Volume 4 - Hari Sauri Dasa