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Prabhupada enjoyed the favorable reviews for his books

Hari Sauri: In Mayapur, Srila Prabhupada came down to the front of the property. He wanted to take look at the displays in the exhibition area, which is now complete. He particularly enjoyed seeing the favorable reviews written by some of the most important scholars in the fields of linguistics, Asian studies, Sanskrit studies, psychology, and philosophy. The reviewers' enthusiasm for his books, and their personal appreciation for him as a spiritual leader, and an author, had all the devotees cheering as Srila Prabhupada himself read one out loud.

Satsvarupa Maharaja, the leader of the Library Party responsible for garnering the reviews, read out several more. Each one drew more and more applause from the devotees and bigger and brighter smiles from Srila Prabhupada. At this the devotees were ecstatic. "Haribol!" they shouted, as Prabhupada, a huge grin stretching right across his face, moved further down the exhibits.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 1 - Hari Sauri Dasa