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The large murti of Lord Chaitanya

Kurma Dasa : The large murti of Lord Chaitanya that we see in the Ormond Hall lecture here, that was created by Dhoumya Dasa; and Dhoumya had perfected the art of cold electroplating. He was able to build this murti in pieces and then create a wonderful shiny gold coating and then with pegs assemble the murti and bring it to various events.

It was there at the ratha yatra festival and, as we can see, Prabhupada encouraged us with a wave of his hand that we all circumambulate the Deity. He was like the General ordering the troops and just with that little movement of his head and the little movement of his hands, we took his lead and we danced ecstatically around the murti with those very big bass drums that we had used the day before at ratha yatra.

In the picture Srila Prabhupada and next to him Gopinatha Dasa is playing karatals.

Reference: Srila Prabhupada Remembrance - Siddhanta Dasa