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Krishna will guide you from within your heart

Govinda Dasi: Soon after, on a visit to see Srila Prabhupada in Los Angeles, he asked me to make Gour Nitai Deities for our Hawaii temple. He raised his arms to show me how to pose Them, and even selected the exact color of paint on a Sherwin Williams paint brochure!

(He indicated the goldenrod color with a check mark; I still have that same paint brochure to this day.) 

So, given this new project, I returned to Hawaii, and my husband Goursundar immediately constructed the metal armature for the Deities. This sculpture project took several months, but with the help of several of our wonderful Hawaii devotees, especially my dear sister and friend, Kusha devi, it was finally complete. We took photos of the finished Deity of Lord Chaitanya, and sent them to Srila Prabhupada. 

Truthfully, I had no idea how to go about this work, as I was more of an illustrator than a sculptor, but Srila Prabhupada said confidently, "Krishna will guide you from within your heart how to do it." Gradually, I came to understand that Srila Prabhupada was also guiding me within my heart as well - since I don't really know Krishna, but I do know Srila Prabhupada! 

He received the photos of our Deity, and wrote back that he was indeed quite pleased. However, he also added that he would like us to now make Deities of Sri Advaita, Sri Gadadhar, and Srinivas, as well, thus creating the Pancha Tattva Deities for Hawaii. This was the first instruction for the worship of Pancha Tattva ever given by him! At long last, nearly a year later, when the Pancha Tattva Deities were finally completed, Srila Prabhupada came to Hawaii to install Them. That was in May of 1972. 

Reference: A Transcendental Art - Govinda Dasi