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Can any scientist create a flower like this?

Srila Prabhupada : [holding a rose in his hand while pausing on a morning walk]. Can any scientist create a flower like this in the laboratory?

Devotee : That is not possible.

Srila Prabhupada : No, it is not. Just see how wonderfully Krishna's energy is working! No scientist can create a flower like this in his laboratory. They cannot create even a few grains of sand, yet they claim to possess the most advanced intellects in the universe. This is foolish.

Devotee : They take matter from Krishna, manipulate it, and then claim that they have created something wonderful.

Srila Prabhupada : At least if they would admit that they have taken the matter from Krishna, that would be good. We understand that everything comes from Krishna.

In the photo, left to right: That's Pushta Krishna Swami, Guru Kripa Swami, Vishnujana Swami, Prithu-putra Swami, Srila Prabhupada, half of Hansaduta Swami, Tamala Krishna Swami, a slender Jayapataka Swami, and three-quarters of Madhudvisha Swami.

Reference: FB Post of Kurma Dasa