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Never trust a politician or a woman

Dinatarini Dasi : One of the loving exchanges Yamuna had on several occasions with Srila Prabhupada related to his teasing her, or as she used to say, "Trying to get a rise out of her," by quoting the Chanakya Pandit verse, "Never trust a politician or a woman." Another variation was when he would purposely make a statement about women being less intelligent. This may have started in San Francisco, but specifically she mentioned that it occurred in London, then in Madras and Bombay.

Once, she was riding in a car with him, and he quoted the Chanakya verse and then turned around to look directly at her with an almost impish smile on his face. When she didn't react, he repeated it and looked around again in the same way. Yamuna simply smiled and said, "Yes, Srila Prabhupada, you are certainly correct." Then some time passed, and Srila Prabhupada praised her to show that he in fact saw no distinction on the basis of body, but saw her as an eternal spirit soul sincerely engaged in practicing and promulgating Krishna consciousness.

Reference: Yamuna Devi - A Life of Unalloyed Devotion