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It was here under this imli tree

Yamuna : Srila Prabhupada, Rsi Kumara, Shyamasundara, Guru Kripa, Radha Ramana and Ksirodakashayi Vishnu all walked together. Several others were already at lmli Tala, and we greeted them as they arrived. Very old ladies with shaved heads wearing white saris sat at the entrance and bowed as Srila Prabhupada arrived.

He headed toward the open fields and gestured with his hands, explaining to us that this was once a forest in Lord Krishna's time. It was here under this imli tree that Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ascertained various places of Lord Krishna's pastimes. The pujaris then showed us a footprint of the Lord.

Today, these fields are nothing but white sands, beige clay and long grasses, and the imli tree is immense. We honored Govardhan Puja prasadam.

Reference: Yamuna Devi - A Life of Unalloyed Devotion