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This is your cowboy form with Krishna and Balarama

Govinda Dasi: About this picture: I didn't know what Vrindavana looked like, but the picture was done from Srila Prabhupada's descriptions and, moreover, from his guidance within the heart. His bhakti shone through the work of all the artists at that time and the bhakti was real, as it was his. We were just workers, marionettes. The drawing had a cowherd boy to the left of Krishna. In my vision, then, this was Srila Prabhupada. I sent a copy of it to him as a gift with a note saying, "This is your cowboy form with Krishna and Balarama." Strangely enough, this didn't seem out of place at the time. It was not precocious or assuming; it was just my simple perception. There was no reply and no discussion about it. It was pretty much a common understanding amongst all of us disciples at that time that Srila Prabhupada was a cowherd boy.

Reference: Recollection by Govinda Dasi