Gurudas: The book distributors were recognized for their service more than the dancers and actors. These performers wanted to be more accepted, and they asked me what to do. I said, "Let's have a performance for Srila Prabhupada when he comes to New Dvaraka." When Prabhupada came I said to him, "The dancers and theater people would like to do a performance for you. When would you like it?" He said, "Tomorrow." So they did it in the temple. Prajapati played Baladev, and somebody else played the Pralamba demon. Prabhupada was laughing. The next morning we were in the BBT warehouse, and Ramesvara was talking about the books. I guess this is one of the times Prabhupada was reading minds. He said, "Where is Prajapati?" Somebody ran to get him. When Prajapati came, Prabhupada said, "Let us have these Krishna conscious performances in every town and village just like we distribute books in every town and village." This was an affirmation for the performers. After that it was more understood that even if you weren't inclined to distribute books, you could still be valuable. |