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November 15, 1976 : Vrindavan

Hari Sauri: Gopala Krishna Prabhu came in with Bhagatji this morning and discussed with Prabhupada some plans they have for getting the Vrindavana council to rename the road outside our temple. Instead of Chattikara Road, they said they wanted it to be known as 'Bhaktivedanta Road.' Prabhupada corrected them and said it should be 'Bhaktivedanta Swami Road.' Without the 'Swami' it does not indicate himself.

They also want the council to approve the building of two huge archways, one over each end of the road, with the proposed name of 'Bhaktivedanta Swami Gate.' Prabhupada appreciates their idea and encouraged them in their efforts. This will be a good, if belated, recognition of the invaluable and unique work Prabhupada has done in spreading the name and fame of Sri Vrindavana-dhama all around the world.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 5 - Hari Sauri Dasa