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Why do you have such a luxurious car?

Rama Dasa: We had arranged for a nice Limousine white Limousine with a blue inside stretch. My boss at the moment I was working for he said, "Ok for this personality," I explained to him who was coming to Paris, he said, "You take our best car and just you pay for the Petrol. That's all." He offered the car, "You just had to pay for the petrol." Then Prabhupada when he sat in the car asked, “Why do you have such a luxurious car? What do you make arrangements?” like that. Then Bhagavan Prabhu explained to Prabhupada, "No no no this Ramdas he has made this arrangement and we don't have to pay for the car, only for the petrol."

Reference: Yadubara Prabhu's Audios by Rama Dasa