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Only way to achieve pure devotional service

Aniruddha Dasa: I came to Hawaii in 1973, when Sudama Maharaj was in charge and when Ambarish Prabhu had bought a beautiful home where Srila Prabhupada could translate without being disturbed. One day when we were chanting sri-guru-carana-padma during guru puja, Prabhupada said, "We should enter into the meaning of this." I didn't grasp what he meant, but his statement stayed with me all these years. The guru puja song has a very deep meaning and from that song I'm beginning to get a little flash of the importance of seriously following Srila Prabhupada. For the first time I'm beginning to attain a serious attitude. "Entering into the meaning", means to understand what Prabhupada is doing. The spiritual master's lotus feet are the only way to achieve pure devotional service, and to achieve that goal, pure devotional service, we have to be burning with the desire for it. In his lectures, Prabhupada would say, "You have to be very anxious for this and develop this." We heard his words but we could not understand what he meant. It is not easy, but when you change your heart and become serious, then you can enter into the meaning of these things and feel them with great emotion. Then you can feel reciprocation with Srila Prabhupada. It comes from meaning it when you say, "I'm going to follow strictly." Sometimes we say, "I'll try" because we're not always ready to be strict, we have a lot of distractions. It takes a while. Everybody goes at a different pace. But sooner or later, that's the goal. So, if you can achieve that, it's very nice and very important. Prabhupada would like that.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 3 by Siddhanta Dasa