Jnanagamya Dasa: Prabhupada was a simple person and his activities were simplified. He didn't complicate his life with so much stuff. Once at gurukula, the children gave him their drawings of Krishna and Prabhupada looked through them. I thought, "These are wonderful pictures of Krishna from little pure devotees." But Prabhupada put them down and walked away. He wasn't interested in taking anything. He accepted things and then distributed them again.
While I would have taken such pictures to put on my wall and to treasure, he was going on and on and on, constantly accepting adulation from people, their worship, and then offering that to Krishna everywhere he went. He never got bogged down or overwhelmed by it. His ego was never out of joint by doing those things. The incredible impression I had of Prabhupada is that he was a perfect living being and that his desire was to make us also perfect in our relationship with Krishna.