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When the father has children and he remarries, then he is lost.

Patita Pavana: After Srila Prabhupada met my mother, he asked me, "Where is your father?" I said, "Oh, they were divorced." He said, "When the father has children and he remarries, then he is lost." I didn't know what he meant. Did he mean that the father, he is a lost personality? I came to the conclusion that what he meant was that he is lost to the children of the first wife.

I thought, "Okay, no big deal that I don't have a father. Now I have Prabhupada." I have a spiritual father. What can that other father give me? Absolutely nothing. No guidance, no leadership. Prabhupada always said to respect him, he gave you the body, that is fine, but now I have a real father. I think many devotees felt that way.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 4 by Siddhanta Dasa