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Govinda prayers while he was riding in the Jeep

Paramesvari: I got to drive Srila Prabhupada to the beach every day in the Jeep, and he would sit right next to me. He would chant the Govinda prayers while he was riding in the Jeep, which didn't have a canopy on it. I remember thinking of myself as someone in World War II driving a great general to a battle station and he was holding on to the top of the Jeep as we were driving and chanting Govinda prayers. Then we would walk on the beach. During that time Prabhupada had asked Brahmananda, "So who is this boy? Who is this boy, Paramesvari?"

Brahmananda came and told me that Prabhupada was taking notice of me. I was feeling very enthused because I was about as happily engaged as I had ever been, being more or less a secondary servant, behind the scenes as a personal backup for Prabhupada. It was completely satisfying to be in that situation. Some nights I'd be able to sit and chant japa while Srutakirti was massaging Prabhupada's legs and it was almost as if Krishna's pastimes were being performed in that little dimly lit room. I remember thinking how it really doesn't get any better than this, being in the association of my guru. Daily so many realizations and intimate feelings were coming.

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint - Volume 4 by Siddhanta Dasa