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You can serve Radha-Govinda by giving your vegetables

Sankarshan das: I have seen that Prabhupada morning walking time. One villager, he is taking some subji, vegetables, to nearby market. Then Prabhupada stopped suddenly and he says, "Where you are going?" "I have to sell these vegetable to the market." Then Prabhupada says, "Why not you are giving to the temple? You can serve Radha-Govinda by giving your vegetables." Then he has agreed. He purchased all the vegetables, big bucket he purchased, and he told Jayapataka. Then Jayapataka paid his amount.
He told that vegetable man, "Please you come every day and talk with the temple manager and give subji, fresh vegetables to the Radha-Govinda." He has all the time mind to give fresh flowers, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits. I have seen also sometimes in Calcutta somebody not purchasing fresh fruits. So he was very concerned and he said, "Why you do not buy the fresh fruits for Radha-Govinda?" So I have seen same thing, fresh vegetables he likes to offer Krishna.

Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Sankarshana Dasa