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Taking shelter of Vamsi Gopal Mandir

Mahanidhi DasaIn September 1956, two years after retiring from family life, Srila Prabhupada took shelter of Vrindavana's Vamsi Gopal Temple. In moving to Vrindavana, Prabhupada was following his predecessor spiritual masters. Practically all the Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas had either lived in Vrindavana or in Navadvipa, near the birth place of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Jagannatha Das Babaji stayed fifty years in Vrindavana in one kunj near Vamsi-vata. Gaurakisor Das Babaji did bhajan for a few months in Vrindavana's Karoli Kunj behind the Radha-Madanmohan temple. 

About Gaurakisor Das Babaji's brief period in Vrindavan, Gopal Ghosh explains: "Siddha Gaurakisor das Babaji did not live long in Vrindavan because he was nistha (fixed) in Gaur Mandala, Navadvipa Dhama. Mostly he lived there chanting, 'Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura!'"

Reference: Prabhupada at Radha Damodara by Mahanidhi Dasa