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Reasons for moving to Radha Damodara Temple

Mahanidhi DasaAlthough his rooms at Radha-Damodara were austere and poorly appointed, they gave Prabhupada direct access to the spiritual opulence of intimate association with the great Goswamis, Sri Rupa and Sri Jiva. It was one of Vrindavan's most important temples, previously the headquarters of the Goswamis where they would meet to take prasadam and talk about Krishna. Prabhupada first stayed in two rooms upstairs, while commuting between Vrindavan and Delhi. He was actively writing articles for and distributing both Hindi and English transcendental tabloids, Bhagavat Darsan, and Back to Godhead

Srila Prabhupada: "Regarding the Radha-Damodara temple, because it is one of the most important temples in Vrindavan, I took shelter in this temple, just to improve the dilapidated condition." 

Another reason for Prabhupada's move to the Radha-Damodara temple is told here. 

Gopal Ghosh: Prabhupada told me a dream he once had. Prabhupada said he dreamed that he saw many Vaisnavas chanting Hari Nam Sankirtan and dancing as they circumambulated Rupa Goswami's samadhi. At the same time, Rupa Goswami was sitting beneath a tamarind tree. A large clay waterpot sat besides Rupa Goswami, who was watching the devotees chanting. Suddenly a bright ray of light emanated from Rupa Goswami and shined fully on Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada said that from that day I told Rupa Goswami, "I shall stay at Radha-Damodara and perform bhajan."

Reference: Prabhupada at Radha Damodara by Mahanidhi Dasa