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Repairing the Radha-Damodara rooms

Mahanidhi DasaPrabhupada preferred to live in Vrindavan for translating but he was frequently detained in Delhi for printing and distributing his books. One day while staying a few days upstairs in his rooms at Radha-Damodara, Prabhupada was offered two rooms downstairs. 

Srila Prabhupada: "I was staying in two rooms upstairs, then one of the Goswamis asked me if I would like to stay in the two rooms below where one Babaji who was taking care of the tombs, stayed. The rooms were dilapidated, so he proposed that I fix the rooms and whatever I pay as rent would be all right. I invested about one thousand rupees and paid five rupees monthly."

It took Prabhupada three years (1959-1962) to save one thousand rupees needed to repair the downstairs rooms. Whatever money he managed to collect was immediately utilized for printing the message of Krishna consciousness. Comfortable surroundings and palatable meals didn't concern him. Prabhupada thought of others, not himself, and by this selfless compassion he garnered the grace of the Goswamis.

Reference: Prabhupada at Radha Damodara by Mahanidhi Dasa