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Modern day soldiers...

Hari Sauri: In Auckland, On April 27, 1976, for his morning walk the devotees took Prabhupada out to the Domain, a local park with small ponds, walkways, and various statues. One depicted a Viking warrior on horseback blowing a horn. Yasomatinandana asked if the Vikings were kshatriyas.

"No," Prabhupada said. "The kshatriyas fought on religious principles. They were noble warriors, not murderers."

"What about the modern soldiers?" Yasomatinandana inquired. "Do they go to the heavenly planets when they die on the battlefield?"

Prabhupada shook his head. "They are simply demons fighting demons for economic reasons. How can they go to heaven? They go to hell - both sides.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 2 - Hari Sauri Dasa